
diumenge, 26 d’abril del 2020

Gràcias Carla de 2on ESO IES Alcarràs

Bona tarda,
Us faig arrivar una carta realitzada per uan alumna de 2on ESO IES Alcarràs dedicada als nostres sanitaris
Eva penas Casals
DUI Oncohematologia del HUAV de Lleida


It all startedunexpectedly, without us realizing it. Onedaywewerewithfriends on thestreetandthenext a state of alarmwasdeclared.
At firsteveryonetookit as a joke, butthenpeoplerealizeditwas a veryseriousthing.Thefirstfewdayswere a littleweird, somethinglikethathadneverhappenedbefore.
Notbeingable to leave home is tired, nowI'mused to it, but I think of all thosepeoplewholivealoneand do nothavethe company of any animals and I feelsad, it’sveryhard to be alone for a monthand a halfwithoutbeing in contactwithanyone.
Theworstthingaboutthis virus is death, youcan'tcelebrate a funeral, youcan'tseeanyonewhileyou're in the hospital, youspendthelastdays of yourlifealone, andthat'sreallysad
The coronavirus crisis has sparked a multitude of solidarityinitiatives to helpthe most vulnerable andkeeptheirmindsactiveduringthesedays.
Today is St. George's Day( Sant Jordi)andwe all knowthestory,butthisyearthedragon has arrivedsoonerthanweexpectedandtheprincesshasn’tyetbeensaved.
Wearen’talone in thisstruggle, ifwejoin forces wewillwin.

Carla Ribot `Penas
Alumna de 2on ESO IES Alcarràs

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