
diumenge, 26 d’abril del 2020

Moltes gràcies departament de Llengües Estrangeres de l'Ins Alcarràs

Bon dia!!

Sóc la Montse Cabré, professora d'anglès de l'institut d'Alcarràs. Aquest últims dies hem estat treballant textos curts sobre la solidaritat i cooperació en temps de confinament en llengua anglesa.
Us adjunto una petita mostra del què hem fet per si us és útil i ho voleu compartir amb algunes de les persones ingressades o bé pel personal sanitari.

Mil gràcies per la vostra feina!!
Montse Cabré


Last month, Rosana, an old lady, lived alone in a flat. During coronavirus, she was worried because she had to go shopping every day and, as she lived in a city with many people, she risked being infected. A couple of days later, Marc and Paula, her neighbours, who also happened to work in a supermarket, decided that they would buy Rosana's groceries for her and leave them at her door. This way, Rosana was able to stay at home and she no longer had to worry about getting infected. 
Some days later, Paula and Marc discovered that Rosana used to be a dressmaker, and she still had a sewing machine and a lot of clothes in her house, and in the last weeks she had been making masks for the supermarket workers.  
Thus, with small gestures, Paula, Marc and Rosana helped each other and, thanks to this pandemic, even though they are separated, neighbours that hardly knew each other have turned into almost part of the family. 
Laia Sanjuan Sarlé, 3r ESO A, INS Alcarràs 


A pandemic has arrived to the world, 
and now we stay at home. 
A new day has begun, 
and with great hope I woke up. 
These days, 
have been to do a lot of things, 
I cooked, I danced, 
I’ve done a thousand things. 
These days, 
I’ve been missing a lot of things, 
give hugs, give kisses, 
but specially, to meet with my friends and family. 
I hope this ends soon, 
because when it’s finally over, 
I will meet with my friends, 
and we will be together and smiling. 
Ares Panabera Moreno 
INS Alcarràs 

Once upon a time, there was a country which wasn’t enough rich to feed all its population. The people there were poor, but very sensitive and empathetic. That ancient country became finally safe thanks to a young boy… One unlucky and unfortunate year, there was a pandemic due to which all the people of the world became confined. There were people who couldn’t pay their debts because of the fact that they couldn’t work properly. So a guy had an idea and performed a video saying that some people needed help because they couldn't pay any bills. The following week, the president of Spain reacted to the boys' initiative and said: “Our brave county will help you, so we'll give proportional wages to all people who can’t afford their taxes”. Unfortunately, the people of that country didn’t perceive anything, because the president had scammed his citizens. The population agreed to upload the video in the social networks and a lot of people reproduced it. As the days went passing by, there were a lot of people that supported the autofunding campaign. The president took a deep look at the video hosted in the social networks and he realized that his decision had been a wrong one. He then apologized one time and another one and said: “I'm so sorry, dear citizens! I know that my decision has been a mistake and that we didn't succeed in fighting this poverty of ours. From now on I'll openly listen to your suggestions and it will be very important to know all that you'll propose to me. So the first emergency decision I'm going to set is the following one. I will give a salary of 2000 euros to all people who really need a help. And I repeat loudly and clear: I'm so sorry for my mistaken decision at the beginning of the process. From now and on, all of you will be able to pay to bills and debts. We are solidary among us and we act in order to protect our population. 
3r ESO A 

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