
dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2020

Gràcies Esther Lozano Departament de Llengües Estrangeres de l'Ins Alcarrà

Bona tarda, 
Des del s us faig arribar els escrits que els alumnes han anat elaborant durant aquesta darrera setmana i que voldriem compartir amb vosaltres. 
Moltes gràcies per la vostra tasca en aquests temps tan difícils que estem vivint.

Esther Lozano

Alcarrás, 23rd April, 2020.
Dear doctors,
The reason for my letter is to thank you for your work throughout the Covid-19 process we are going through. I imagine that every day in these moments lifeis very difficult. There are  patients who are going through a bad time , others who cannot overcome the disease and remain alone in the last moments of life. And you accompany and help them.
Also, I suppose you are afraid of getting ill or taking the disease home and infecting loved ones. Because it is well known that protection measures are not always the most adequate, sufficient or effective. For all this and a thousand other things, thank you very much for your work, for your time, energy and heart.
And I wish that the happy moments and the solidarity of our society increase every day. I hope we will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Much strength, energy, security and with all my heart thank you very much.
Everything will be fine! We will overcome this situation and your work will have been essential.
Best wishes.

AleixRibes. 1r A


In Saint George therearered roses ,
In Saint George wereadbooks,
In Saint George there is  peaceandharmony ,
In Saint George there is solidarityandcooperation,
In this Saint George there is confinement,
                                     Buttogetherwe can get!           

Rugui Barry 2nD
Ins Alcarràs

Coronavirus poem

Hey coronavirus,
you are the terrible disease

Soonwewillfindthe cure
andwewill beat you.
Because of you,therearemanydead,
you are worsethantheflu.

You are notleaving,
You’vemade a scandal in every hospital

I feelbored at home
I do homeworkand I don’tlikeit,
youwillsoon be alone.

Erik Ortega 1rC

Once upon a time, in the year 2020 there was a global pandemic and all the world was on confinement times.
During the confinement, lots of people startedto build handmade things to help all the people who were fighting againsta virus. They made masks, robes for doctors and nurses and they all clapped their hands at 8 o’clock to share their support with the world.
Kids also started drawing rainbows to show adults that all it’s gonna be OK.

At the end they fought against the virus and they won. They lived happily ever after.




Hello sanitaries in the world,
I am writing this letter to tell you that what we are going through is very drastic, but you and he health centers can do it.
I also want to tell you that you are doing a very good job. The confinement is the worst thing for young people and in the end you don’t know what to do at home. Days pass and  you get used to it and you learn about what you can to pass the time.
I hope that your family are very well.
A big hug

Xavier Serra Companys 2n B
Ins Alcarràs


Once upon a time there was a virus that transmitted very fast and easy, and the most important thing, it didn’t have cure. Coronavirus wasn’t mortal but it was more dangerous than the flu.

This virus went to a lot of countries in the world. People had to be in quarantine because it killed a lot of people like: sick people, old people and more. To be in quarantine was very difficult for all the people, but a brilliant family in Spain helped to all the people of the world, giving a lot of ways to pass time. They said that the form to pass time was to stay in family and playing games with them. Also, the family said that the neighbours could go to the balcony to play Mobile games, or have a conversation. They also said that only the parents could go shopping, but if the children wanted to go to the street, they could go to the garage and maybe outside in front of their house a little.

Thanks to this the people could have fun in quarantine, but this family did more things, this family found the cure of the virus! The cure was: put a paper in a glass of water, put 3 drops of medicine(“dalsi”) and then they beat it all, it was strange but worked.

And this is the story of the Dane family.

AntolíOlona 1r C


..................This letter is addressed to all who are fighting for one less day. 

These days of confinement are coming to an end, because we are all fighting for it. Those who unfortunately have been infected by COVID-19 will all recover. They will find a vaccine, but you have to keep fighting and also all the people who are working to find a cure. People that go to work so that we can buy, the police, the doctors ...There are people who unfortunately have not overcome the fight to get cured, but we all know that they have tried. For this and much more, never lose hope, because it is the last thing you lose. 

Best wishes!!!! 

Sara Claveria 1r A 


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