
dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2020

Gràcies Marta Ingla Professora d'anglès de l'NS ALCARRÀS

Bona tarda,

Des del departament d'Idiomes de l'Ins Alcarràs us vull fer arribar  uns escrits que han fet alguns dels meus alumnes en llengua anglesa. Tots ells han estat molt contents de participar en aquesta iniciativa.

Us vull també donar les gràcies en el seu nom i en el meu per la tasca que porteu a terme en aquests dies tan difícils.

Molts ànims!

Marta Ingla
Professora d'anglès de l'NS ALCARRÀS

For the whole population.
Haven’t you ever thought about your student days as life would be without high school? that is without any responsibility, simply enjoying family and friends
Or just think how you’d live if there was an apocalypse or a war, like we were in a sci-fi movie.
Well, today we’re living it, maybe it’s not like we thought it would be, but it’s awesome when you go shopping and you don’t see anyone in the street, something that wouldn’t happen on a normal day.
For this very reason I want to thank all the nurses, police, saleswomen... all those people who are fighting for this virus to end, because without their help this would not be possible.
On the other hand, I also want to thank all the rest of the population to stay in their homes, I have tried to encourage people from their balconies.
And finally remember that every day we have to go out to the balconies, terraces, windows, to applaud at eight o'clock for all those people who are fighting because for them this simple fact helps them a lot.
Alba Solsona Llas

Alcarrás, April 20, 2020.
Good morning, nurses and people fighting on the front line against covid-19.
In this letter I want to let you know the support that you have from the majority of people, despite the fact that we are seeing discrimination against you by most means of transportation. However, we also see solidarity people who support you in one way or another, for this reason I make this letter showing my support, because this fight is not only yours, but everyone's, each with a different role, more or less important.
I appreciate all the effort you make every day to combat this pandemic, because that is not an easy job, and even so, you do what you can every day, despite feeling exhausted and desperate, you continue with your work.
Finally, I also want to tell you that if at any time you feel down, you have all of us, who support you from home.
Thank you for reading.
By: Erika Morera

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