
dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2020

Moltes gràcies als alumnes d'Idiomes de l'Institut d'Alcarràs

Bon dia,

Sóc Carme Gil Calvo i us voldria agrair aquesta iniciativa tan bonica que vau endegar fa alguns dies. Totes les professores del departament ens vam posar d'acord per participar en aquesta iniciativa i que millor que fer-ho fent una mica protagonistes als nostres alumnes, que també s'estan portant com a herois i heroïnes. Us adjunto un seguit de textos que van elaborar.

Moltes gràcies per tot,

Carme Gil


This is the story of how a teenager named Peter passed the confinement. Peter liked to make stone sculptures. When he had some sculptures, he decided to do something different. He made a sculpture of a very pretty woman and when he finished it, he fell in love with it.
He named his sculpture Wendy. He started talking to her and he imagined that she responded. After a few weeks they were dating and Peter decided to introduce Wendy to his parents. When he introduced her to his parents,  they got really mad, they told to their son that he couldn’t have a stone girlfriend. But he answered  "she is not made of stone and I want to spend the rest of my life with her".
His parents were very angry and they started to shout at him, telling that it wasn't normal, that the confinement made him crazy. But then he kissed the statue and in that moment Wendy became a beautiful woman as he always imagined.
                                                            Iris Miret, 2nd ESO

Mar Olona 4th ESO


Nights were usually lonely for Addison. Especially since her cat had died. She hated nigh time with all her heart, because she couldn’t help but feel like the loneliest person in her apartment complex.

She sat in her tiny balcony, with a cup of warm tea in her hands. Being in confinement was driving her crazy, but because of the quarantine she noticed that all her ‘’friends’’ weren’t as close to her as she had thought. Not one had reached out in the three weeks everyone had been quarantine, and she had felt lonelier that ever. To top it off, her cat died a few days into confinement, and that made everything even more difficult.

She looked at the sky. The moon was full and prettier than ever, she thought. While she sipped her green tea, she started daydreaming. She was thinking about moving back to the country with her parents, which would be easier for her, when an unknown voice snapped her out of her mind.

- Such a pretty night, right? – A black-haired boy in the balcony next to her was also staring at the moon. He pulled out a cigarette out of the box and put it between his lips while Addison stared at him. – Do you want one?

 – Thanks, but I don’t smoke – she declined – Who are you?

The boy smirked while he lighted up his cigarette.

 – My name is Kieran. How long have you lived here for?

– At least a year now… I’m Addison, by the way.

– A year? – He replied surprised – I’ve been here for six months and I had never seen your face before.

– Oh… – Addison looked at her mug for a moment, a bit embarrassed – Well, I mainly go outside to attend university and I spend most of my days in home…

– What about your friends? You don’t see them? – Kieran was still surprised. He was really extroverted and never had understood people who were like Addison.

– It’s not like I have any… – Addison was even more embarrassed than before.

– How is that even possible? Everyone has at least one friend!

– Well, I used to have my cat, but she passed away… – She explained quietly.

– You know what? We can be friends. – Kieran looked at her again with a sincere smile. – I can tell you a bit more about myself, and you can do the same.

– Sounds good to me. – She took a sip of her now cold tea and smiled at him. – Do you want to start?

– Sure. I’m Kieran Martinez and I’m 25. I moved here six months ago, and I used to live in Portland. I’m studying law in Yale, and I’m currently single.

 – Well, I’m Addison Scott and I’m 24. I used to live in the countryside with my family, but I moved here to study medicine. I haven’t met many people here, as you can see…

– But you can say you have at least one friend now! – Kieran finished his cigarette and threw the box inside his apartment. – We can be quarantine buddies. That doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

– I agree, it does sound interesting. – She finished her cup of tea and looked at the boy, who was staring at her as well. – Thank you.

– Why?

– Because after struggling so much, what I needed the most was a friend.
It was true; Addison had struggled a lot since she had moved there. But that night, she had gotten the best act of solidarity: a friend.

Maybe she wouldn’t hate the nights as much now. Maybe they wouldn’t be so lonely.

‘’I guess everyone needs someone’’, she thought.



This letter is aimed to all the nurses that are doing a nice job and because I want to express my feelings about the situation that we are living and how grateful I am to have people like them in our society.

Dear nurses,

I wanted to write this letter to say thank you for the excellent work that you are doing. We hadn't seen a situation such difficult like this one in the lasts100 years, but you have been the first ones who have been there to look after us and our health. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of deceased, but we are calmed because we are in the best hands and you will give the most of you because you are hours and hours working. But, we also have to see the positive part, starting from naming the big number of recovers and this is a progress for the extinction of the virus.

Simply, I wanted to show you my admiration and passion for your job and the big effort that you are doing. I know that it is very hard and you miss all your friends and family, but for this reason, I want to give you all the strength and courage possible to continue fighting to win this battle. I want to help you to win the battle and I will do it from home because I will continue in confinement for not making your job more difficult than it is.

Thank you very much from the heart, you deserve the applauses at 8:00 p.m. and much more.

Hugs and kisses,

Patricia Ribes, 4th ESO


If you get bored,
if you don't know what to do,
if you don't know what to play,
think of someone who is having fun with you.

People of the world,
Together joined to serve the common cause,
so it feeds us all forever
to see that everything is for everyone.

Be generous with people,
share your stuff,
don't be selfish,
be constant.

It is important to smile
and be positive
because it's something else
and we can forget it.

Ares Domènech Pallarés 4th ESO


This one is for all of you.

Stop. Just stop. Don't move! Just breathe... It's not a petition, it's an order. I'm here to help you. This fast car has no more road to travel on.  No more planes, schools, meetings... I've broken your goals and tasks, those ones which made you not being able to stop, take a deep breath and look at the sky.
You all forgot how to make time for each other. I've come to destroy those selfish attitudes that, sadly, are a common characteristic easy to find in each one of you.
I've had to break your routines.
Your obligations are mutual; it always has been like that. I don't care you've forgotten about it. Neither of you is making things right. You're all a small dot on this enormous planet and, even knowing that, you think you're the centre of this whole world.
All of you are suffering, running on a daily basis to achieve who knows what. What are you going to do when everything will fall apart? What are you doing now, when it finally happened?
Have you forgotten that, to sustain huge things, you need a strong core? YOU are the core of the planet; it needs all of you so it can be sustained. But you are too selfish to think about anything else that doesn't give you a reward... Something in exchange.
I'm here to help. This is a message for the humanity. You can't stay healthy in such a damaged ecosystem and mental state.
You need each other. You need to be close to your family again. You spend so much time in work, school and parties you've forgotten your loved ones. The ones who matter.
I hope that, during this crisis, the key is solidarity. You need other to take care of you, to work so you can have your daily aliments. Now you'll learn to value the ones who help you stay alive when the only thing you're allowed to do is staying home.
Learn to be grateful, solidary.
The planet and the world needs you more than ever, united, working together for the same goal.
Keep each other safe so you can keep the planet safe.

                                                            Andeea Alexandru, 4th ESO

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