
diumenge, 3 de maig del 2020

Moltes gràcies alumnes de 3º d'ESO de l'Ins Alcarràs

Bona tarda:

L'alumnat d'anglès de tercer d'ESO de l'Ins Alcarràs ha volgut col·laborar amb alguns escrits sobre solidaritat i cooperació per donar ànims al personal sanitari i pacients. Us adjunto algunes mostres.

Gràcies per la feina,



Nowadays we're in trouble,
and we have to work together.
If we help everybody
there's no way it could go better

You can help with your money,
or just if you stay home.
If we all work together,
this pandemic will be gone.

Wear a mask if you go out,
and wash your hands every day.
If we all cooperate
we will soon scream "Hurray!"

Naïm Saadi (3rd B)


These times are very difficult, since they cannot go out, there are people who are alone, who cannot go shopping because they are people at risk, people who die with no one by their side and without family members saying goodbye, and well in many more cases.

Fortunately, there are good people who are supportive, cooperative, and who do their best to help. There are many groups of volunteers who go shopping for people who cannot go out, who help them...

We are also lucky with the doctors who sacrifice their lives and that of their families, who spend hours and hours helping us, protecting us, accompanying us day by day, even if we finally cannot overcome the disease, they are there.

These are examples of solidarity and cooperation that could be better in this case, with all my heart thanks to all those people.

Solidarity and cooperation

Once upon a time, there was a man named Jordi, who did not like being in solidarity with others at all, he never helped and was always angry.

One day, he was alone on his floor and finished dinner, then as every day, he went down the trash, and as the elevator was busy, he went down the stairs. When he was going down the stairs, he tripped, fell to the ground and got hurt, quickly a neighbor heard him and went out to see what had happened, then she was supportive and helped him.

When the ambulance arrived, he thanked her, and she said: I've only been supportive, since that day he decided to be like that nice girl and be supportive, and from there he got make some friends and he was finally happy.

Noèlia Mora Arcau   3r B


It's April, sunny weather on the hills
Flowers grow and birds are singing in the fields

But we must stay at home
A new lethal virus has come

I see the spring through my window
Minutes and days go by so slow

I feel sad and I feel desperation
I can’t do anything to change this situation

Too many people have died
But we together will fight

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